Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Own Stuff

Mostly just worked on my own stuff today. I don't know if that's because I just started working on it while I was waiting to be assigned something and when Allen saw me working on it he just let me continue or if they really didn't have much need for me today. Either way, I got my commercial for Allen's class done and even got a bit of help on it. I guess I was just really tired today and didn't actually go asking them for work and was quite content to work on my own stuff. Tried to do stuff for my copywriting class too, but had such writers block that I couldn't. Allen tried to help get me in the right frame of mind to do it, but it didn't really help all the same.

A production crew came to interview Allen and me for a new promotional video for PCA&D. We were for the internship part of the reel, go figure, right? I think I rambled a bit, but hopefully they got what they needed. They had to get some B-reel footage of me working in FinalCutPro too, so Allen had given me footage from the 24-hr-Game-Making-a-thon they'd done a few weeks back to do a <2:00 video of "what it was like" for them. I'll be working on that next week and the following week and that'll be it.

I finally remembered to have Allen sign the paper that says he'll be a good internship mentor and it asks when the intership is to be over and he asked me when I wanted that to be. I told him truthfully that I had hoped we'd be done by the end of the semester, so that's when he set the end date for, whether or not I have the full hours or not, he's not going to tattle and I guess I won't either. I'd been good about logging my hours here, but it turns out that that fear was unfounded. I'm also not sure if PCA&D actually asks for a timecard, but I've been going in about once a week for 5 1/2 months and I think alot of interns go in 2-5 times a week for only 3 months. Also, I'm not even sure how acurate I've been with my time log. I usually round to the nearest hour or half-hour rather than quarter-hour and sometimes if I felt I hadn't done much that day yet stayed longer than I'd planned, I'll round down the hour if I've stayed till a :15 or :45.

[Hours: 9.30-5.30]
[Total Hours: 149]

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