Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FUBAR Follies

Had a strange cycle/deja vu moment this morning when Allen decided to have some cleaning time right when I got in. My first day, I think it was, I began mostly by cleaning surfaces with Windex. Rather fitting, since that first time I was nervous about it since I didn't know where anything went, while today I just picked stuff up, moved it, cleaned, moved it back, threw away trash, etc. I also got to help put together a little shelf with big dreams. It was such a cute little shelf, it needs a theme song or something.

After the little cleaning and building binge, I got to work putting together the FUBAR: Kilroy 24-hr game-making-a-thon(?) video. There was alot of footage to go through, but I'd gone through most of it at the end of last week. I knew they wanted it to be short, so I kept most of the clips under 2 seconds (where possible). The only thing I had to go on for the video was that Allen wanted it to give the feel of what it was like. Until I showed it to them half finished and then they gave me more specific directions

They wanted to make sure to say what it was, where it came from, why they were doing it, who was doing, all that within the first 30 seconds or so. Also, change the music since the file I'd chosen was too overpowering of the video (and they'd just used it for another piece). And for notes I think I had to write down the funniest four word combination: "Helaine pencil fire zombie" which made total sense for its context, but take it out and it's pretty damned funny.

Anyway, they liked the overall feel of what I'd put together by the end of the day. There were some extra shots they suggested and that I added and some other footage they wanted in that I didn't have that Joe will hopefully get to me by the next time I work on it. I'm glad I held my tounge about that. How can I put something in if I don't know it exists or where to get ahold of it (since it wasn't in the footage folder)? That aside, I'm going to try and go in tomorrow after class to finish up the basic layout since Allen said they wanted to show it to some folks on Thursday, and to get a few extra hours in before they kick me out next week.

[Hours: 10-6]
[Total Hours: 157]

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